Monoaguja Watches, the art of simplicity

Monoaguja Watches
Sober, elegant and perhaps for most, too simple (or too complex). Are monoaguja watches, art of simplicity made ??watch, able to perform its function with just a needle regardless of the minute hand and second hand.

Flashy undoubtedly have been established as a kind of ideal for those who prefer the design and originality watches, although I realize that may not be very simple first used to read the time with just a needle.

To give you an idea of its operation each stripe equals 5 minutes, thus depending on the location of the needle we can read the time with utmost ease, we miss yes accuracy of seconds … but who needs to know the second accurate?

These watches for its peculiarity are becoming real collector’s items, and to put you a little situation today we will review some of the most popular brands and models in this peculiar world of watches monoaguja.

Monoaguja Watches

Talk of monoaguja talk Meistersinger watches is a German company specialized in such as original watches. Their models are genuine collector’s items and to give you an idea the price of each piece is usually between 1000 and 1500 euros, thanks in part to its machinery and careful choice of materials.

Monoaguja Watches

Defakto is another German brand that counts among its models with several monoaguja models. They differ by having a more modern and casual than we‘ve seen in the design Meistersinger, besides its price is also significantly lower.

The model you see in the picture is the Nightshiff steel case 42 mm in diameter and sapphire crystal, besides having a luminous sphere (about 400 euros).

Monoaguja Watches
Also of German origin is this model that combines the originality and simplicity of a monoaguja design and sophistication. It is the model 24 ONE signature Botta, which has as a curiosity in your area 24 hours instead of 12 monoaguja other watches.

This translates into greater complexity at the time of display time (more numbers in the same size) but it is definitely an option for those who want an original note on your wrist. (340 euros)