Juvenia watch history

Do you know about juvenia watch? Appearance is important for a woman. Besides clothing that is stylish, trendy and fashionable, women also need support accessories. The watch is one of the accessories for the appearance of a woman. Not only as an accessory for appearances, watches also serves to show the time. Many brand watches on the market, they offer product design and watches with their respective advantages. Some of the brand is a brand with a collection of world-class product quality watches. One of the watch brand is Juvenia.

Juvenia watch, a brand name and watch company located in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. This watch brand, currently owned by a group of Hongkong company named Asia Commercial Holdings Ltd.. Juvenia created and founded by Jacques Didisheim-Goldschmidt. In the 1880s, the company produced the first female watches. Juvenia known watches design exceptional, avant garde, with architectural inspiration, and time indicators are unique and unusual. Juvenia watches luxury watch has a stylish appearance and high-class. Some watches collection Juvenia also use gems and gold to display an elegant design.

If you want a clock with some characteristic that is classic, luxurious and elegant. Juvenia watch can be your choice. These watches can enhance your appearance. In addition, this watch will make you look elegant in everyday activities or when attending events such as parties, etc. Although this clock has a simple design and unusual, this clock is very beautiful and will be one of watch collection. Hopefully this article useful for those of you who want to find a watch.

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