Care to extend the life of our shoes

Care to extend the life of our shoes

For us to get the most out of our shoes, and bring longer life always spotless we avoid using the same pair two days running and switch at least two different pairs. Thus, we allow them to regain their original shape and get that skin does not lose elasticity.

This measure will prevent sweat daily burn and crack the skin fibers and leather sole. For wetting the shoe must be dried naturally, without closer to a direct heat source (for example, a radiator). For these cases, it is very useful Wood (articulated form) so that the skin does not shrink and the shoe being deformed, and use the shoehorn to preserve the buttress.

Care to extend the life of our shoes

The only shoe leather retains its softness, elasticity and shine if it receives proper care. Poorly nourished skin drying and cracking finishes, especially in areas where more flex is exercised. To extend its life, we recommend that you dedicate a few minutes every two weeks in order to apply intensive care and did not fail to rub daily with a cotton cloth to regain their original luster.

The first step in protecting your leather shoes is to remove dirt and wax residue with help of a slightly wet sponge and hot special attention to the edges. Then, we apply the polish with a cotton cloth in small circular motions. Once the polish is dry – about 25 minutes – we must remove the excess with a soft brush and shine them with the help of a cloth. In case we need to use the shoe immediately, we have to apply a second coat of polish. For those wishing to get a higher brightness, it is best to rest the shoe 24 hours before the second application.

Care to extend the life of our shoes
Golden rules to care for shoes

First, wash the shoes with a sponge dipped in hot water. Thus, we will remove all impurities and pores of the skin, to then apply a good cream that feed.
Keep in mind that the skin is a product of organic origin that needs nutrition maintained. These nutrients are in the liquid cream (no use in cream applicator bitumen will deteriorate the skin) as the first layer that will be applied for two minutes with a cloth wrapped fingers.
Cream and let it dry, then brush the shoes with intensity (with a hard brush) for a lasting shine.
In the case in which you can use the shoe immediately, to apply a very thin layer of solid final cream with the fingers wrapped in cloth. Then rub gently with the cloth until the squeak of pure brilliance.

To preserve its qualities is important to keep the hinged mold inside. These shoe trees are made of cedar because it absorbs sweat and makes skin fits back into its original form.

Moreover, the classic flannel bags that usually come with the case where we bought the shoes to retain adequate moisture to keep skin soft and supple, protecting its finish, and is also essential to prevent chafing inside suitcase when we travel. With the usual realization of all these pampering, shoe aging with dignity and can reach up to last us 15 years.