Talking To Teens about Tattoos

About Tattoos – Increasingly common: tattoos, piercings and other items that show the personality and distinguish the group. Teens want to be different, to show their feelings and personality by an element that is marked forever in your skin: the tattoo. So now we serve them how to talk to teens about tattoos.

The decision of a teen getting a tattoo

To begin, we must consider whether we want this decision to take the teen or yourself. In the event that they are the parents who decide, must give explanations to prevent rebellions, and to continue to have long-term good relationship with your child.

In case you want to be the teenagers who make the decision about tattoos, we must know that a tattoo is something for life, and therefore involves a high level of maturity. How to tell if a teen is mature enough? With their attitudes everyday: if you have a job, you are responsible with their studies and household chores if it is respectful with your family and friends, if you have a relationship lasting partner and especially if it is consistent with their actions.

Whatever the point that parents decide to take before should talk with your teen about tattoos, and why you want to become one be accepted, fashion, meaning.

Talk to your teen about a tattoo

Although he has a very clear decision, we must show that a tattoo is forever, and therefore must really want it and not just make him a fashion. Show photos when you were young with another hairstyle or clothing-preferably FEA make them see that there are changes that do not as permanent and which will not regret.

Similarly, we must discuss the risks of a tattoo for health. Talk with your teen and help you choose a good tattoo artist, that meets appropriate standards of hygiene and sterility and even if he allows, accompany him getting the tattoo to check that everything is in order.

Warn about these risks is important to know what abides. AIDS is not the only option: resistant staph infections, difficulty of wanting to eliminate -the laser is an expensive and painful option, which often does not give good results-, hepatitis B and C, tetanus, tuberculosis, allergies ink …

If teen choose a tattoo done

We must tell our son to take a reasonable time to think about the site where the tattoo and design will be. It is important to explain that to be something for life, if readily visible can bring problems in their daily lives, for example, to find work.

When do the tattoo, the tattoo artist should go yet clear, and ask him to do all the necessary steps -copy consultation with interested drawing, transfer the design to the skin and then tattooing and explain at all times procedure performed.


Will be ask to do a design avoiding the most difficult inks to take -Blanca, green and yellow-and more causes allergic reactions. Also, make sure the tattoo done once the teen follows all recommendations care about tattoos.