How to Care for a Tattoo

How to Care for a Tattoo – The tattoo is something for life; once you do you, no turning back. While tattoo design is the responsibility of tattoo, then the responsibility of caring is entirely yours: the person who makes you the tattoo is not responsible for infections.

Feel like you know what that entails a tattoo? Do not miss our recommendations on how to care for a tattoo below!

Leave the bandage

It is likely that the tattooist has been instructed to cover your tattoo, and that’s for good reason, as it prevents bacteria affect the wound. As much as I want to show, it is important to leave the bandage for at least two hours.

This is an open wound that can cause attract bacteria and infections, so it is important to keep the bandage on the tattoo and follow signs to the tattooist.

Wash and cover the tattoo

After you remove the bandage comes the part washing. For this in how to care for a tattoo it is best to use warm water and mild soap or antibacterial and gently remove traces of blood and ointment or thoroughly clean the area. Avoid using strong towel or cloth; however, little touches applied to dry thoroughly.

Once complete wash cream place. There are many varieties of regenerative and antibacterial creams and probably your tattooist has recommended you better.

It is important to keep the tattoo clean and moisturized. After using the specific cream you can use regular moisturizer to leave skin soft, but only after a few days when the wound has closed.

Avoid submerging the tattoo

Nothing bad will happen to your tattoo if you shower, although it is advisable to avoid long soak in water. Therefore, avoid baths and Jacuzzi that could damage your tattoo, for two or three weeks. It is also desirable to avoid swimming in either fresh or salt water or fresh, at least two weeks.

After a few days you probably notice that the skin dries and peels. If excessive, it may indicate that the tattoo was poorly done, but a little is normal and does not need to be scared. What you can do is wet bandages for 5 minutes two or three times a day to soften the skin and dead skin coming off.

Is also likely to itch when you begin healing the wound is crucial that you avoid scratching! Leave it still and allow the wound to heal completely.

Using solar factor

Surely your tattooist warned you that you cannot be in the sun for the first week. After the tattoo heals completely is important that you keep it protected from the sun’s rays that can dull the tattoo shortly. Before leaving the sun be aware apply protective factor 30 on the area as the last step in how to care for a tattoo.