Considering the Tips before Tattoo

Tips Before Tattoo – Do you think you’re ready to make your first tattoo? Well, you’re not captive until you read these tips before getting a tattoo that you definitely need to know to pass smoothly to the wild side of the tattoo.

If you still feel those nerves to think you do a tattoo and do not know really how to do it without suffering in the attempt, then surely you are a “virgin tattoos” and thus we help with these tips.

All you need to know before getting a tattoo

# 1. A tattoo hurt

This depending on your pain threshold could happen painful to very painful or perhaps with luck could be just a little uncomfortable, but you should be aware of your resistance to pain before getting a tattoo and know you’ll have to endure the pain, all either for art.

# 2. Go with a friend

Nothing like the company of a good friend! Everything goes better with a friend next door, a friend who supports you and has a conversation forget some of the pain of the tattoo.

# 3. Size is not everything

Note that a large tattoo as, for example, one that covers your entire back take more than one session, since only one would be too painful and time consuming. If you’re about to make the first tattoo you might want to find yourself a little one and should notice it as tips before tattoo.

# 4. Find your ideal inspiration

Think about how you paint design. Choosing a good tattoo design should take time to choose the ideal, for it can make a book of your favorite designs by categories or styles to know you’ve seen all your options.

# 5. Where do I put it?

Think if you want your tattoo is always exposed (hand), if it is exposed only when you want (ankle, back, shoulders) or never expose unless you’re naked or in underwear (hip, stomach, chest). Knowing how much you want to display your tattoo will give you an idea about what the best place to put it.

# 6. See Offers

Do not let go or the first study that you know and not for the first price they tell you. Haggle never hurts if you save some bills, but that takes into account that a good job, clean and quality you will not economical. Always opt for quality.

# 7. Knowing the language in which you tattoo

Perhaps among the errors you are getting tattoos in languages ??that neither know nor really do not know if what you are writing says what you want or if this word or phrase is correctly spelled.

# 8. Do not drink alcohol before a tattoo

This advice is for many reasons and the main one is that by drinking alcohol and take effect in our blooded more likely to bleed while you are tattooing and therefore feel more pain.

# 9. Follow the care recommendations

Do not think you know them all and not all think you are immune to infection or any pain from not taking good care of your tattoo. In the tattoo will tell the exactly the care you need a new tattoo done, so follow their advice cleaning and decontamination well.

# 10. Raise your expectations for living

While there are many tattoo studios, you must be careful to choose the study of tattoos for you, as many are painted and decorated with extravagant colors with many mirrors and things to dazzle us, but that’s not what we see. We must pay attention to it a clean, professional and to use new and quality materials.

Follow these tips before tattoo and see how leaving this victorious without major complications experience, to continue focusing on you and how to pamper.