The New Tattoo Kesha

Tattoo Kesha – There are celebrities who spend much of their time to draw public attention and Kesha certainly is one of them. What he has done on this occasion? He has decided a new tattoo done on the inside of the lip … And waits to see what he has decided to record on your skin: Suck it.

Yes, Kesha has a new tattoo. These are the images that the singer has shown. Do not miss them!

Kesha and her new tattoo

We all knew the singer, 25, prefers to show rebel, with really fancy airs and most descontracturada possible. But while everyone was already quite accustomed to the follies of Kesha this news has taken us by surprise.

The celebritie has not only decided a new design tattooed on your body, but it has in one of the lips of her mouth. What daring!

Apparently, this type of tattoo is not as novel as I thought, but certainly dealt Kesha calling enough attention; the phrase “Suck it” in Spanish would be “Suck” tattooed.

After passing through a needle, the singer then decided to share his new tattoo Kesha with fans using your Instagram account. Now have to wait and see what the fans think of this design.

As expected, Kesha also decided to upload a couple of pictures with the head of your new tattoo. In fact, she can be seen very excited about your artist in a rather casual photography.

What do you think of the new tattoo Kesha? If you still want news about Kesha, do not miss their latest tattoo Kesha here.