With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men’s style

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men’s style

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style

A few days ago we showed that for us were the first four principles of good clothing and masculine style. In this second installment we will finish the list of those to be honest and objective, are more difficult to meet. And not because we do not have the necessary basis for doing so … but because they are the most volatile and influential of all.

Before that you begin this final installment, I would like to clarify that bring them all is no easy task and that is just wandering as more is learned. Look, learn, seek, try and Fayyad to you to get something that you can feel proud with what you feel comfortable (because we never forget that fashion is to serve, not to serve us to it) and that you can afford to keep in time luck with it!

color coordination

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
Sounds easy if one analyzes first but the truth is that this issue is somewhat tricky. The color combination is something that comes and goes, and while a few years ago nobody would have thought to mix pink with red, today and if fashion (which does not have to be right) so dictates, can become a must this season. To us what interests us is that there is harmony between them, which are complementary and help more discriminated and being impeded.

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
To refine this point you need scupper some myths as false idea that the colors are linked to the months of the year: to see when we get the head that stations no longer dictate the palette; ie, the cool shades can be used in summer and warm in winter but yes, always with an order and coherence because whichever way you look, dress entirely in pastels December is RARE. Moreover, much will depend on if you want to build a block color (in this case they are welcome secondary hues) … (in this case, same color family but by contrasting with each other).

Trends are our friends

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
This trend is a double-edged sword. Surely many of you you carry hands to lay your head every time an eye to a seasonal catwalk presentation and do you really think that someone can put that on a daily basis? Make no mistake, there are catwalk trends that never see the light on the road and street trends are merely proposals of large firms that adapt and diluted so that we can include them in our closet.

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
The idea is that we are comfortable with them because not everyone can go out with the same kind of patterns or the same dose of military-style outfit. What it is certain is that including them in more or less will make our style is more up to date and trendy. Always will be their choice anchored in the past and did not change (which in itself is a style, hence the heritage and vintage) or those who think that it is precisely not to follow the masses and the trends already, it is a fad (the beginning of hipster style).

Above all, be yourself

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
Perhaps of all the above, this is the most complicated. Once we have implemented all of the above, the hardest part is not tempted to become copies and replicas to get their ideas for blogs, pages, magazines or friends. Of course it’s okay to get ideas but surely we all carry within us a great stylist who knows how to mix and match so that everything meets what we have discussed so far and also noticeable that’s our style, that individuality is our distinguishing mark.

With you, the seven principles of good clothing and men's style
And this my friends, is not easy. Many times what we see as unique, original and personality on all sides, the other sees it as an attack on good taste and a lack of coordination. The result unfortunately never totally dependent on us, but fashion and its cruel management trends, the circumstances in which we see involved or simply the opinion of others, will be those that move us to keep fighting for our personal style or we simply give up and let us go with the rest. Whoever gets unify latter principle without neglecting the other six certainly have reached the top of masculine style.