The shirt: casual elegance

The elegance comes not only suit and tie, the shirt is the first garment we see not only women but also men. Dress casual has its rules if you are interested in looking good, need not be designer clothing to show elegance, you advance some tips that will make you stand out among your friends if you know applied to detail:

Correct size on shoulders and sleeves

The casual shirts do not indicate the size of neck, back and sleeves only. If the shirt do not look great is because the size is incorrect. When you try on the shirt is important to verify that the high armhole or sleeve seam that joins the back, is perfectly in line with your shoulders. After verifying the correct length sleeve, with your arm slightly bent, just making sure it reaches the point where your wrist is one with your hand.
The shirt-casual elegance
The appropriate setting for your complexion

a) Slim Fit: Ideal for thin or men, gym enthusiasts who want to show their physical elegance. The shirt should not be so close to the body. In the designer brands you will find that, regardless of size SML come with the same sleeve length to fit in the shop perfectly fits you.
The shirt-casual elegance
b) Regular: Some brands chose to make shirts with a fit that will stay well to average-sized men, who are neither thin nor overweight. These shirts are fairly large in the torso and in the amplitude of the sleeves.
The shirt-casual elegance
c) American: This is the standard type of shirt that most brands offer due to their practicality, they are ready to use. Usually, they are very comfortable to be very broad in torso and arms, suitable for rugged complexion and also for men with known overweight. The great error of many thin men and average body is wearing this shirt because setting unaware that there are other more suitable for your complexion.
The shirt-casual elegance
correct length

The casual shirts should not go further than the height of your hip, many look better outside the pants, but they must be careful that not too long, as your legs will look short and disproportionate.
The shirt-casual elegance
Color successful according to skin type

Color is one of the most important elements when choosing a shirt. In any combination you make, the color of the shirt you should favor because it is close to your face. If the color does not suit you can look pale and haggard.
The shirt-casual elegance
The shirt-casual elegance
The shirt-casual elegance
Appropriate fabrics for warmth

In hot weather you must be very careful with the type of fabric you are using, because synthetic fabrics such as polyester will make you sweat causing sweat excessively. The most appropriate to withstand the heat fabrics are cotton and linen. And only if you’re on the beach and in an informal event will be valid the skin transparent.