get a new look for the new year

Change Image for the New Year

Only a month away for Christmas, and when a new year begins we always want to change image or begin new projects, including renewing we already have.

For if for the next and increasingly close 2015 you set out to improve or change image, today I’ll give you some guidelines that insurance will help.

To change image needless you make radical changes in your style with which you do not recognize or your mother, to renew successfully only do you need to change some other details:
Buy a new outfit
If normally you usually wear a suit, a very good way to renew is to go for a suit with a more current you stay fit and great, if you get the chance, the ideal is to bet on a suit. But you can also try changing color, one you’ve never used that fits you great.

If for work do not need to wear a suit, then try to buy some clothes that you see yourself using regularly, that is current and quality.

You have to remember that the goal you’re after is to renew your wardrobe with some clothes that are going to use a lot and make you look different, so it is preferable to buy a piece that is not similar to the ones you have to project that you to change image. Yes, you must choose a garment that fits your style you like, otherwise you end up leaving it in the closet almost unused.
Cut your hair to change view

Change Image for the New Year

If you cut your hair differently than usual is a very good option to change view and that everyone will notice. You will not need your hairstyle is the most striking and one of the most innovative, just ask your stylist to make you a small change in the way you always cut your hair, and you’re done. You can try to cut it more, or cut parted if you never wear, ask for something different but you feel like a glove.

Keep in mind that before you make a radical break is best to ask your hairdresser for your opinion if you think this new court will look good and if you stick with your features.
The beard became fashionable

A good way to change image and is also a whole must style this season is to let the beard grow. If you are a man who always go out on the street shaving, this three-day beard so fashionable has been allowed to grow. There is no better way to know if it suits you that making this small change. Also, if after a few days you realize that you do not like to shave again, is solved.

If, however, you are a man who has always worn a beard, you can try if you dare, to change material by paring image or making it a different way than you usually take, for example, leaving a goatee or mustache …

Change Image for the New Year
Say goodbye to your old glasses
If you normally wear glasses, you can change them to revamp your image, buy a new, different frame to which you had, notice how this small change will make project a very different picture. Moreover, you need not be an abrupt change also a good idea to have two different frames depending on the look you shine. The shades can buy or different materials that combine with your outfits and can project different styles.

As you can see, you need not do very beasts to change view changes. Just a small step and change some things to start a new year with a different look.