7 Tips current fashion for fat men

We have lots of tips and advice from current fashion for fat men, with a great personality and a very personal style for this current year.

This article is for those men who have a few extra kilos and also have no trauma for them, because they have exceeded the ideal prototype of beauty of tall, thin man. Without any doubt, the most important thing is to have confidence and plenty of attitude.
7 Tips current fashion for fat men

7 Tips current fashion for fat men

Then we leave some tips to help you make the most of your figure and wear fashionable clothes for fat men.

Clothing should encajar perfectly and have to look yours and not your little brother. If you are using very tight dress clothes that reveal you get everything and more.

Try to avoid making those shirts shoulders slumped. A towering shoulders will make you look better. This way you get balance.

Do not use or plaid shirts or shirts with circles. The pictures will give you more volume, and if you want to use it and take the best possible way, you can wear it open and use a t-shirt or black shirt underneath. Vertical lines and styling help lengthen the figure.

Find pants that fit your hips, not ones that are on top of your waist. It is not advisable to use very baggy pants and make sure your pants waist fits your abdomen so that the stomach does not match will see two, since it is not very appealing.

Get out of your pocket all that is unnecessary, as the bulky phones, wallets, scarves, purses and wallets. If you do not wear your clothes pockets will be much better.

Use t-shirts V-neck creates a vision for thinner neck, especially if you have a double chin, and placing special emphasis on the area of the chest instead of the neck.

Use three-button jackets as these elongate the figure and make you look taller and therefore thinner.

Destroy shyness once and for all, and carries out these 7 tips on current fashion for fat men we have left you, and make you feel more attractive yourself.