15 fashion tips for men

15 fashion tips for men
While many men do not want to accept, fashion has an effect on everything you do decide to use or either because we avoid or continue.

Simple is the basics to become striking: tendency to cause first you have to surround yourself basics and contrast with other shades.

Never run away from the markets: you do not know the amount of original, vintage and special things that can be found.

The black and navy blue are the colors that slim but should never lead combined.
15 fashion tips for men
The white shirt is a very important : Combine everything and you never know when you’ll need it.

Ons are import for creating a perfect style.

The colony is the most personal of a man, it is necessary to choose the right because that’s your point and what you recognize.

A man without  watch on his wrist.

One need not be an overly muscular person, but care is never too bad. Go to the gym once or twice a week will help.

Do not smoke:it is harmful to your health, royo tough guy that smoking is no longer carried.

Being sexy is a matter of self confidence: The other people see you as you see yourself also.

Armani says: “the most stylish men are those that give the impression of not having tried too hard thinking about what to wear.”

healthy  Eating is the import way to  be healthy.

If you want to be elegant but casual, but removes the shirt off ties.

The hair must always be arranged, if you wanted to create a sense of left to care for yourself.

“Fashion is an attitude, a way of expression, a state of mind, a way of fun … Fashion is that and much more”