Tips to get original chanel women’s bags!

Women’s bags with chanel brand are very popular among women. But to get the original Chanel bag there are a few things you should know, you should not buy a fake bag with original price. Therefore, I will let you know how to choose the channel that the original bag. You definitely want to get bag with high quality and durable.

There are several things to consider in buying these women’s bags:

Most bags from this brand using the key in the logo, or simply striking Chanel logo on the future. If you notice the Chanel logo (the letters C 2 mesh), the top of the letter C (right) is above letters C (left). And the opposite side of the bottom of the letter C (left) is located right above the letter C.

The entire channel bag, the zipper has a zipper head logo Chanel 4. All Chanel bag have a serial number, the serial number is usually as stated on Authenticity card.

To know the code or serial number needs to look good. Serial Number or native code Chanel bag consists of 7 or 8 digit number. Such as: 7244764, 9675223 etc.

Chanel handbags are made from calf leather and sheepskin is very high quality, as well as other materials. Always look carefully the quality of materials you want to buy bag. Because Chanel is never use low quality materials for women’s bags.

This bag has a high price, so you do not get fooled by the original bag at very cheap prices.

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